OzAurum Resources Ltd (ASX:OZM) reports it has returned ‘significant’ gold results from diamond drillhole MNODH 006, recently completed at the company’s new virgin gold discovery Demag Zone within the Mulgabbie North Project area, located 130km northeast of Kalgoorlie.
The Demag Zone continues to demonstrate its potential to host significant gold mineralisation directly adjacent to the Northern Star (ASX:NST) Carosue Dam mill.
OzAurum reports diamond hole MNODH 006 results:
4m @ 3.65g/t Au (from 280m) within 7m @ 2.45g/t Au (from 279m)
1m @ 5.38g/t Au (from 453m)
3m @ 1.37g/t Au (from 275m)
Gold mineralisation at the Demag Zone is associated with significant wide downhole intervals of sericite-carbonate-chlorite alteration, and a ± hematite dusting ± pyrite ± magnetite which has been intersected in both RC and diamond drilling at the Demag Zone.
This indicates the company is potentially on the periphery of potentially ‘higher-grade’ gold mineralisation.